
Ensembles (layers) manage neuron collections by fixing their size, extending select attribute tensors, and handling layer-aware operations such as heterogeneous parameter initialization and normalization.


Ensemble instance attributes are 1D tensors corresponding to potentially heterogeneous parameters and states of neurons (tensor elements) whose behavior is prescribed by their parent class (e.g., LIFNeuron).

Ensembles can be initialized programmatically or from a configuration YAML containing neuron parameters and their generation method (fixed, zipped, grid, or drawn from a distribution). Forward calls invoke the parent neuron class method.


Initialize an ensemble of basic analog neurons, inheriting default parameters and behavior from AnalogNeuron:

>>> from sapicore.engine.ensemble.spiking import LIFEnsemble
>>> layer = LIFEnsemble(num_units = 10)

See also


For built-in parameter sweep utility methods.

class engine.ensemble.Ensemble(num_units: int = 1, **kwargs)

Ensemble base class. Provides generic implementations of tensor expansion and parameter diversification.


The subset of this object’s configurable property names (_config_props_) that needs to be duplicated num_units times. Defaults to None, in which case all _config_props_ are assumed extensible. In the rare case where no configurable properties should be extended, use an empty tuple.



forward(data: Tensor) dict

Processes the ensemble using the size-agnostic forward method of its neuron parent class.


data (Tensor) – External input to be processed by this ensemble.


Dictionary containing the numeric state tensor voltage, per the parent class method.

Return type:



If population-aware operations are necessary (e.g., layer-wise normalization), those should go here.

property num_units

Number of functional units represented by this object.

Neurons are singletons by coercion, as they are meant to express unit dynamics. Derivatives of Ensemble can modify this property and duplicate units as necessary.



Analog ensemble variants.


Spiking ensemble variants.