
Constants to be used throughout the project.

utils.constants.DT = 1.0

Global simulation time step (milliseconds).

utils.constants.PLOT_BACKEND = 'Agg'

Default matplotlib backend.

utils.constants.SEED = 154

Random number generation (RNG) seed value to be used. Invoke set_seed() to fix the value across all relevant libraries, e.g. numpy and scipy, before running a simulation.

utils.constants.SYNAPSE_SPLITTERS = ['--', '->']

Valid splitting characters for synapse files and name fields. For example, “L1->L2” and “L1–L2” are allowed by default, to accommodate Windows’ prohibition of the character “>” in filenames.

utils.constants.TIME_FORMAT = '%Y%m%d-%H%M_%S'

Timestamp format for run directory I/O operations.